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AVATARA (DVD) by 536 (Donato Mancini, Jeremy Turner, with Patrick "Flick" Harrison) Review by Christiane Paul |
My avatar doesn't need to breathe... Since the advent of graphic chat environments, avatars as representations of online identity have been the subject of many discussions, research, and various books (the classic among them being Sherry Turkle's Life on the Screen) but the 'AVATARA' DVD by two of the co-founders of the Vancouver-based media artists’ group 536 -- Donato Mancini and Jeremy Turner, with editor Patrick "Flick" Harrison -- may be one of the most original contributions to avatar research to date.
The term avatar, now common language in cyberspace, originates from Hinduism and means 'descent,' most commonly the descent of a deity to earth in an incarnate form -- although definitions tend to vary depending on the source -- and it is interesting to note its connotations in the context of the upload and download (descent) of information or an 'identity' to and from a server. The interviewer's avatar, Kalki, takes its name from the Hindu avatar incarnation of Vishnu who, according to some Vedic texts, can appear to us in the form of a white horse. Both Mancini and Turner studied the Upanishads, the Ancient Vedic texts, which inspired their interest in avatar research. Part of what makes 'AVATARA' enjoyable and relevant is the juxtaposition and fusion of (media) genres and modes of representation -- documentary meets online chat environment or Reality TV meets fantasy worlds created by elaborate sets and costumes (which may be an description of Reality TV as commonly experienced, but also a detail that producers don't care to make obvious). The result is an interesting investigation of the boundaries between reality and fantasy, a musing on what Real Life really is. The Community section of 'AVATARA', for example, introduces us to the main characters (among them Purple Tears, Oz, and Angle Grinder) and recounts the history of the environment and a community averting destruction through corporate takeovers etc. While the story may be 'conventional' in terms of a documentary subject and one may have heard a similar account numerous times, one might usually picture this as a stereotypical TV segment with the interviewee (for example, a West Virginian, plaid shirt and baseball cap) telling his story while standing in front of his house in a small community -- as opposed to imagining the story recounted by avatar Oz, a talking Pharaoh head (from West Virginia) floating in a pixellated game world. The format effectively underlines that this community and its assets are by no means less actual and authentic than physical real estate; that the citizenry consists of 'real' people maintaining the homes and world they have built by investing considerable time and effort. As the chapter on Loss makes obvious, the destruction of the community would have a traumatic effect on its members who would literally lose their 'second life.' |
There always is a performative aspect to graphic chat environments and -- no matter if the conversation centers on mundane activities -- you are never sure if you are interacting with an alternate identity that has little to do with its 'physical' alter ego ("on the Internet nobody knows that you're a dog," as they say). Conceptually, 'AVATARA' is based on a deliberate break with the performance format, introducing the audience to the 'real' people behind the avatar and asking them to reflect on their being and environment instead of 'performing' within it. The set-up seems to lead to an interesting genre in and of itself, oscillating between the ridiculous and sublime -- think the cast of X-Men being interviewed on the movie set, inhabiting their costumes like a second skin yet seemingly unaware of their appearance and surroundings and earnestly talking about their off-screen life and craft as an actor or fluently switching back and forth between their two different lifes. As one of the inhabitants of Traveler points out, an avatar ultimately is just an extension of "the mask everybody has to wear out there," but, as opposed to the physical world, the roles you play in a virtual world are not determined as much by social and cultural conventions: they can be the product of your fantasies -- which may turn out be yet another product of conditioning but are by nature closer to a dream world.
'AVATARA' does not necessarily offer new insights on the nature of the avatar (which probably wasn't the objective of the documentary in the first place) but it most effectively brings to life some of the research done in this realm and documents one online community through snapshots. "My avatar doesn't need to breathe," as one of the Traveler inhabitants puts it, but 'AVATARA' makes clear that, despite defying the needs of the physical body, it certainly is a life form. Contact: